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Sunday 24 April 2011

Imaging Obasanjo preaching for 'change' in Ogun state.

Why Daniel cant give us ‘worthy’ successor, by
Kelvin Osa- Okunbor
•Ex-president defends ACN candidate Amosun’s
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo said
yesterday the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) governorship
candidate in Ogun State Senator Ibikunle Amosun can offer
good leadership.
He said Amosun is the best candidate except that he might be
hampered by some other factors.
"Amosun is my blood brother. l know him very well. He brought
Gbenga Daniel (Ogun State Governor) to me."
Obasanjo spoke at the Journalists Estate in Arepo, Ogun State,
where he had gone to campaign for the Peoples Democratic
Party (PDP) governorship candidate, Gen. Adetunji Olurin, on the
invitation of the residents.
Daniel is supporting the Peoples Party of Nigeria (PPN)
candidate Gboyega Isiaka.
Obasanjo said Daniel had been a great disservice to the state. He
said a person who had failed to connect with the people in the
last four years could not possibly anoint a successor to take over
the reins of leadership.
He said he would not control Olurin if elected, adding that he
supported the late President Umaru Yar Adua, as president, and
he did not control him.
Obasanjo praised former Governor of Ogun State Aremo
Olusegun Osoba, whom he said accorded him all the respect
that a Yoruba will accord an elder. He said Osoba gave him land
to erect his Hill top mansion as well as the presidential library.
Obasanjo said : " I enjoyed more respect from Osoba in Ogun,
more than any other governor. Osoba gave me land to build the
presidential library, even the house where I now live, but Daniel
insulted me. I have never been so insulted. I think it is part of
his upbringing. His government has failed in the last four years,
unlike the first four years. I never knew Daniel. He was
introduced to me by Amosun. I only supported his re- election
for second term for many reasons, but after he got the ticket ,
he failed to work. Ogun people need a change. They are
disappointed in Daniel. Imagine Ota is dirty. It is an eyesore.
Such person cannot give us a worthy successor that can
transform Ogun State."
Obasanjo , who arrived the venue of the interactive session
about 6.05 pm in company of Olurin , explained that he was
excited to visit the estate, which he described as unique.

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