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Sunday 24 April 2011

Flash points for governorship elections.

Polls: Tension in states as govt deploys troops
Yusuf Alli, John Ofikhenua and Vincent
Ikuomola, (Abuja)
SOME steps were taken yesterday to avert another
post-election violence.
The Federal Government strengthened security around the
country ahead of tomorrow’s governorship and Houses of
Assembly elections, deploying troops in flashpoints.
Politicians are quarrelling over the coming elections,
heightening tension.
Sources said the security cordon was to prevent the kind of
violence that broke out in parts of the North after the
presidential election.
Acting Minister of Interior Chief Emeka Wogu said at the
weekend that the government would not leave any stone
unturned to ensure improved internal security.
He spoke when he met with the managers of the ministry and
heads of departments.
Vice President Namadi Sambo decried the post-election
violence and vowed that the perpetrators would be brought to
Rivers State Governor Rotimi Amaechi said security had been
strengthened in the state.
He also assured Youth Corps members, who will serve as
electoral officers, of their safety.
But Islamic fundamentalist group Boko Haram (Western
education is sin) threatened yesterday to continue its violence,
even as troops deployment in key Northern states started.
Also yesterday, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari asked Congress for
Progressive Change (CPC) supporters not to defy security
He asked them to revolt with their voters’ cards by removing
non-performing governors.
More troops have been deployed in Kaduna, Katsina, Kebbi,
Borno, Sokoto, Niger, Bauchi,
Jigawa, Kano and Yobe states.
A top security source said troops had been deployed in Oyo,
Kwara, Ogun and Imo states where there is tension.
Troops barricaded major entry points to Ilorin, the Kwara State
capital, yesterday.
Said the source: "The government wants to ensure that voters
come out to exercise their rights unhindered. We want to
guarantee security of every Nigerian.
"Additional troops deployment to some flashpoint states has
started. There will be special attention for Kaduna, Katsina,
Kebbi, Borno, Sokoto, Niger, Bauchi, Jigawa, Kano, and Yobe.
"That is why most states are banning procession, courtesy visits
and monitoring movement of politicians.
"Even when the Bauchi State chapter of the CPC wrote the State
Commissioner of Police that Buhari will be coming to the state,
the request was politely rejected."
Amaechi, in a special broadcast said: "The Armed Forces and
other security agencies have beefed up security in all the 23
local government areas of this state to ensure that there is no
breach of the peace."
The governor also said "security agencies are under specific
instruction to ensure that every Youth Corps member is given
personal security so that they can discharge their duties
While lamenting the unwarranted mayhem that greeted the
presidential election in some parts of the country, Amaechi
advised residents to be their brothers’ keepers by reporting all
suspicious movements to law enforcement agents.
Wogu, who is overseeing the ministry in the absence of
suspended Minister Emmanuel Ihenachor, according to a
statement by his Press Officer, Olowookere Samuel, expressed
concern over the internal security in the country, "especially in
the aftermath of the presidential election, which was
internationally adjudged and recognised as free, fair and
He said the government would continue to pursue a strict
border control policy.
"One thing I will want to achieve within the short period of time
is to continue to pursue strict border control and patrol and we
need to start doing something about it in order to come up
with strategies on how to go about border control in the
subsequent elections because of the challenges we had. I
believe that if the borders are shut, we might not have the
influx of miscreants from neighbouring countries that could
equally be capable of unleashing mayhem on Nigerians," he
Sambo lamented the loss of lives in the violence. He sent his
condolences to the families of those who died. He urged all
Nigerians to eschew violence and embrace peaceful co-
The Vice President said power resides with the people who
have expressed it decisively and clearly by electing the
candidates of their choice.
Promising that justice will be done, Sambo said: "We are
confident that the Judicial Commission of Inquiry that will be
constituted will live up to expectations of Nigerians.
"We call on all Nigerians to give peace a chance and support the
effort of government in this direction and to continue to live in
peace and harmony."

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