any comment posted on this blog does not necessarily represent the magazine's view. all comments and posts are exclusively the writers' views and the writers may or may not disclose their identities as they have their own rights to privacy.

Tuesday 19 April 2011


everybody commenting here is suffering from diarhea of the
mouth. Buhari please dont mind them because none of them
ever bothered to ask you whether you know what is called
computer talkless of EXCEL. As for me the little i know about
EXCEL is that it is a part of computer programming package
called windows office. May be that is why Jega gathered all the
respectable Professors to isolate EXCEL and 'prof' it oh sorry
'doctor' it to suite PDP.
Please let us refrain from commenting on what we know little
about. Bill Gate is still alive and i dont want him to sue INEC for
tampering with his intellectual properties. Who knows what may
be his demand? Close down our universities and throw all the
profs into jail?

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