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Sunday 19 December 2010

Jonathan and the northern politicians

The topic that dominates the press for the past few weeks now has been the political struggle between the north and the incubent President Goodluck Jonathan.
If i may ask according to the most popular screeming headlines, what is it in the north that the incubent President could be so scared of up to closing to shed tears?
Mr President can you take some clues from other African leaders who confused the election results up to the extent that even the United Nations came to their kneels begging for crumbs like a kind of power sharing agreement.
Afterall your opponents know the power of incumbency. If they claim they dont know, how come you sneezed and they are all coughing?
Remember when you nimbled something like treason, they were all over the media trying to explain one or two things to the world.
Well, it is up to you to choose how you cut the yam since you hold the yam and the knife.
Remember that in politics the heart is deeper than writing an agreement to give you their mandates.
Do i hear you say politics is strictly based on quantity and not quality? Ask the founders of 'DEMOCRACY'.
I hereby rest my case.

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