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Wednesday 3 November 2010

Jang swear-in a Factional PDP Chairman in Jos

Jang swear-in a Factional PDP Chairman

Bayo Alabira, Joss

Another trouble in Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Plateau state chapter has just loomed in, as Governor Jonah David Jang inaugurated his factional chairman, in person of Dr Haruna Khitwe Dabin, who replaced the former chairman Professor Dakum Shown who was appointed Adviser on Political Affairs to the governor.

In his acceptance speech, the new chairman of the factional PDP, Haruna Dabin has appealed to their supporters to rally round the newly constituted PDP Executive members to void another dissolution of the members as it happened before due to the “so-called intra-party squabbles”, which has only produced more heat than light for the people of Plateau state.

According to him that, “We have had untold bloodletting in our land and our people have continued to be hunted and hacked-down mercilessly in their land, for how long will these troubles continues.”

Stressing that, there is a new dawn in the PDP Plateau state as “no winner, no vanquished, so permit me to repeat here-that at the end of the fierce struggle for the soul of the party in the state, there is no winner, and no loser, but Plateau people chapter have become the stronger and will continue to occupy the inevitable place as the defender of truth and justice in the nation”.

When contacted, the former governor of the state, Chief Joshua Chibi Dariye said governor Jang is a joker, because the other PDP members have no business with the chairman that was sworn-in yesterday, as he belongs to a factional of the party.

According Dariye that the National Secretariat of the PDP was not aware of the “so-to-say swearing in of Haruna Dabin as the state party chairman, because none of the national exco was present at the occasion. “Therefore, all I know that there is going to be congresses in Plateau state whether they like it or not, that is the only way out for the state”.

The inauguration was performed yesterday at the factional PDP secretariat, Korinjo House along Dogon Karfe Jos, by Barrister Lawrence Anyia of the Shalom Chambers, before governor Jang who was there life as observer and other prominent members of the faction

However, most of the local government chairmen and House of Assembly members were absent during the factional chairman swearing in occasion yesterday, because they shunned the occasion to avoid being considered by the national secretariat as lawless PDP members, our man gathered.

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