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Sunday 26 December 2010

jos bomb blast update

there had been pockets of attacks here and there around jos town following the bomb blasts on christmas eve.

One of such attacks occured along apata road where a man was lynched to death by some irrant youths who were disenchanted with the latest developments.

The identity of the victim could not be easily identified as soldiers came to carry the corpse amidst sporadic shootings to scare away the crowd to avoid further recurrence.

Meanwhile more gunshots were heard last night around angwan rukuba area and unconfirmed source said that it was the military personels taking some precautionary measures to avoid mass attack by the people. As of the time of writing this report, there is an atmosphere of fragile peace as most people are still indoors oblivion of what may happen next.

The joint task force is appreciably equal to the task of maintaining law and order as most security personnels at check points are battle ready searching most vehicles on the road for dangerous weapons.

If this tempo is sustained by the security operatives, then the city of Jos will not take a longer time to bounce back to life fully.

Although mass exodus of people to other various states for the yuletide had already decreased the population of the town before the bomb blasts.

The state governor Jonah David Jang took his time yesterday to visit all the affected areas.

The visit was highly commendable by the residents of jos metropolis including hausa, yoruba and igbo communities.

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