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Tuesday 23 March 2010

'We want plateau state to reconsider membership of Northern Governors Forum'...........Berom Youth

From Jos.

The Berom Youth Movement (BYM), has called on the Plateau state government to reconsider its membership of the Northern Governors Forum, in view of what it’s called antagonistic tendencies of the Northern Region towards the state.

Addressing a world press conference in Jos yesterday, the National President of the Movement, Mr, Francis Dalyop Jamang stressed that, ‘’ We believe that belonging to any organisation with the northern connotation is of no benefit to our state’’.

''This explains why the Niger State governor, Dr Muazu Babangida Aliyu took time to make derogatory statements on the person of our dear governor Da Jonah David Jang while addressing the gathering of northern traditional rulers recently. We unequivocally state that the Plateau people who elected Da Jonah David Jang are indeed pleased with his developmental programme which is second to none and so are not deceived by these agents of destabilization’’.

The BYM has accused Bauchi state government as one of the chief sponsors of the terror that is being unleashed on the people of the state, in which they are calling on the federal government to investigate the Bauchi state with respect to the current Jos crisis in the state.

‘’The Berom Youth Movement therefore, finds it hypocritical and offensive for the University of Jos management to deem it fit to confer on the Bauchi state Governor, Mallam Isa Yuguda, Matawallen Bauchi a honorary Doctorate Degree of what ever kind at this time when he and his government cannot be exonerated from being part of sponsorship of the recent Jos crisis’’.

The Organisation also expressed reservation on the current Presidential Committee on Jos crisis under the leadership of Chief Solomon Lar, which they described as being compromised, therefore, cannot achieve the purpose for which it was set up to achieve.

‘’This is buttressed by the fact that some members of the committee including Alhaji Sale Hassan, Alhaji Salisu Nakande, Alhjaji Ibrahim Mantu have all been indicted as masterminds of the Jos crises by past Judicial Commission of Inquiries, the committee therefore, should be dissolved or reconstituted in order to enjoy the confidence of the people’’.

The BYM further expressed it’s concerned on what they call isolated attacks targeted on the Berom alone, they said in view of this, they are calling on other Plateau state indigenes to join them in the fight against the Hausa Fulani other wise, when they are done with, other ethnic groups may not be spared by the Hausa Fulani expansionists.

According to the President that, Berom is targeted because they occupied the larger part of the land in Jos the state capital more than the other ethnic groups and they spearheaded the refusal of the sale of land to the Hausa Fulani.
Jamang also reiterated that, the Berom will continue with the fight against any invasion that anybody may think of carrying out now or in the future, because all the elders from Plateau state are with them, even those that are not talking are working with them.

To protect the Berom nation from any further attack, BYM is therefore rekindling the tradition of ‘Beren Kanang ‘ , which was last activated more than a century ago in view of the 1873 Jihadist invasion attempt on the Plateau..

‘’All Berom youths, men and women of good virtue should stay home on Friday, 25 march, 2010 in observance of this tradition, for those who have cause to leave their homes, they should be appropriately dressed in Berom attire and adorn with ‘tee’. Jesus our Saviour!

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