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Wednesday 31 March 2010



Against the backdrop of increasing cases of clashes between the Military and the Youths in Plateau state, the state Deputy Governor Mrs. Pauline Tallen has warned on the open confrontation with the Soldiers on Peace keeping mission in order not to escalate the situation in the state.

Tallen who spoke at the presentation of building materials to those affected by the last crises in Anglo Jos and Congo Russia parts of Jos, donated by the Bridge Builders association yesterday.

The deputy governor therefore commended the association for donating building materials to victims of the crisis in the state, saying what took place in Plateau state in the last few years is a shame to the political class in the state which was known as the ‘Home of peace and tourism’ before the recent incidents that changed its name home of violence.

Mrs. Pauline Tallen described the last outbreak of violence in Plateau state as madness saying all those that partook in the crises cannot be said to be in their right senses even though they claimed they were killing in the name of God.

She described all those that responsible in the violence that rocked the state as “mad” adding that people in their right senses would not do such a thing.

Tallen encouraged the people of the state to try and live with one another irrespective of religious and ethnic differences saying if religious and political leaders would be sincere in what they do peace would return to the state.

National chairman of the bridge builders association, Rev. Josiah Fearon, prayed that the last violence would be the last in the state and encouraged individuals as well as organizations to come to the aid of those affected by the crises.

The secretary (political) of the British High Commission in Nigeria, Jonathan Evans who was at the occasion said the British government would encourage every effort to see that those who are behind the crises are brought to book and lamented over what he described as leadership failure.

The organization donated about 30 pieces of woods, two bundles of zincs and nails to about 60 individuals in both Anglo Jos and Congo Russia, which were the areas worst hit during the last violence where Muslims and their Christian counterparts engaged themselves serious squabble.

Also speaking, the National Secretary, Ustaz Mahdi Shehu, called on both the Muslims and Christians residents in Jos to learn to tolerate one another as the two religious do not preach violence.

He said the two teaches their adherents on how to stay and relate peacefully with one another without showing differences on ethnic and cultural background .

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