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Tuesday 23 March 2010

The Inspector General of Police Mr Ogbonnoya Onovo has appealed to the warring faction on the Plateau

By our correspondent in Jos.

The Inspector General of Police Mr Ogbonnoya Onovo has appealed to the warring faction on the Plateau to Shiite their swords and embrace peace for the socio economic development of the state.

Mr Onovo made the call recently while addressing Police officers at the Plateau Police Command headquarters where he said policemen must preach peace on the plateau to their ethnic communities when we preach peace to our people all will embrace peace and peace will return to plateau
He said we are worried with what is happening on the Plateau “and we are working with other security operatives to restore peace in the state”.

IGP commended the Police and other security forces for the professional role they are playing in the restoration of peace on the Plateau and urged them to do more in other to return the name of the Plateau as home of peace and tourism.
He said “no amount of black mail or accusation will detract you from your work no matter the black mail you remain calm and compose continue with your work till you achieve peace and protect lives and property which is the cardinal objective of your work”

Mr Onovo said Police will deploy their officers in to all the nooks and crannies of the state including the remote areas with bad and difficult terrain in other to prevent further insurgencies in the state and pledged to provide the command with vehicles and communication facilities in other to ease their difficulties.
He said security operatives all over the World are faced with challenges due to the new techniques developed by criminals to perform their criminality and as police officers we must improve our intelligence gathering so that we can be ahead of them as Police officers.

Onovo said duties of Policeman must be 24 hours and Division Police Officers will hence forth be held responsible for any insurgency discovered in their area for that all of them must be up and doing in other to protect lives and properties of the citizens.

The General Officer Commanding 3rd armored Division Major General Saleh Maina commended the cordial relationship existing between Police and the Army adding that Police are doing their work efficiently, boldly and professionally under the task force for the restoration of peace on the Plateau.

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