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Sunday 14 February 2010



From our correspondent, in Jos.

The Church of Christ in Nigeria, COCIN, headquarters, Jos, Plateau state has taken stock of its casualties during the January 17 civil unrest in the parts of the state, lamenting that over 689 families have been displaced in its Rural Church Council, RCC, Jos even as it says that the crisis is yet from being over.

Briefing the press at the headquarters of the church, the Vice President, Rev.( DR) Soja Bewarang, said security agents, particularly soldiers drafted in to quell the riots did not help matters are they clearly took side while the crisis lasted.

The church expressed worry over comments credited to a group identifying as “Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, which has offered to assist Nigerian Muslims with training and weapons” stating as a dangerous development which if left unchecked poses grave dangers to the corporate existence of the country.

It then warned inhabitants of the state that the “matter is not about David Jang or the Berom Nation. Yesterday it was Chibi Joshua Dariye. Tomorrow, who knows? As long as it is a Christian and not a Hausa Muslim!

According to the church, the perpetrators of these acts always run out of the state anytime they maim, killed ,loot and burn, because they have a home to run to; but for a citizen of the state where does he or she runs to, “when chased out of his\her ancestral home.

It then recommended that the true ownership of Jos, with the mechanism governing the operations of traditional institutions that have not been in used should be looked into, while reports of past judicial and other commissions of inquiries be implemented without delay.

Also, the availability of weapons in the hands of unauthorized persons must be investigated by the authority while in particular; the actions of the Chief of Army Staff and the General Officer Commanding, GOC, third Armoured Brigade of the Nigerian Army should be thoroughly investigated and tried if guilty in a court of competent jurisdiction.

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